!This version of Fusion is now end-of-life and we would like to upgrade your system to the latest version for free as part of our software-for-life promise. The newer version of Fusion includes many new features and bug fixes to make your operation of the system easier. See the ‘What’s new?’ sections of this manual for each version to see what has been added.
*To schedule your upgrade, please click here, and select the Fusion – Upgrade option. Follow the steps to book a date and time that is suitable for you and we will be in touch to perform the upgrade.
This user guide is best viewed online, however a .PDF copy can be downloaded using the
button below the contents section on the left hand side of the page. Individual sections can be printed using the
button to the top right of the page.p. This user guide is best viewed online, however a .PDF copy can be downloaded using the
button below the contents section on the left hand side of the page. Individual sections can be printed using the
button to the top right of the page.
If you are already viewing this user guide in a .PDF, the online version can be found here: http://crbcunninghams.co.uk/manuals/fusion/228.
The online user manual we be updated as each new version is released. You can select your version of the manual from the top of the screen.
Your version of Fusion can be found in the bottom-right corner of the Fusion Back Office.
!This manual has been written using a login with the Administrator role. This role has full access to all aspects of the system. Your user account may be limited and there may be some differences in configuration from your system, therefore some aspects of this manual may differ from your experience.
*If you are not sure about the operation of any part of the system, or would like something clarified, please do not hesitate to contact our support team and we will be happy to help. Details on how to contact our support team can be found here: http://crbcunninghams.co.uk/support/.
Last modified:
12 November 2024
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