User details

After clicking either Add New User or Edit user, you will be taken to the User details screen. If you are adding a new user, all of the fields will be blank whereas if you are editing an exisiting user, this screen will be populated with the selected users details. Any fields with a red-ish background are mandatory.

Field Required Description
Surname Yes The last name of the user.
Forename(s) Yes The user’s forename(s).
Family No Users can be grouped into families. This feature is not yet fully implemented.
Known as No If the user is more commonly known by another name, you can enter this here. This will replace their forename on the tills etc.
Gender No The user’s gender. Set by using the dropdown menu. If the user’s identified gender is not listed as an option, use the magnifying glass icon and add it. More information on managing genders can be read here.
DOB No The user’s date of birth.
Ethnicity No The user’s ethnicity.
E-mail address No The user’s (or their parent’s/guardian’s) email address.

Setting a user photo

When it comes to the user photo we have two options:

Capturing a photo using an attached webcam

If you have a web camera attached to your computer, you are able to take a photo of the user directly into Impact. To do this:

  1. Press the Capture button.
  2. The ‘Capture photo’ screen will be opened. If there is no webcam configured, you will see a “No webcam found” message. If the webcam is connected and working, an image will be shown in the left box.
  3. Press Capture to take an image.
  4. The captured image will be displayed on the right. Drag the square to crop the area for the photo.
  5. If you are happy with the image press Save to complete, or press Capture to take another. Pressing Cancel will close the window without saving any changes.

Importing a user photo

If you already have a user photo in the form of an image file, you can import this directly into Impact.

  1. Press the Open button.
  2. Use the window to navigate and select the image that you wish to use.

Clear a user photo

You can delete a photo from a users account.

  1. Press the Clear button.
  2. Select either Yes or No to confirm the action.

Additional user details

As well as the details listed at the top of the user details screen, the bottom of the screen has additional fields where you can store information about that user. These tabs are discussed in the next few sections.

Hide meal choice

There is an option to hide meal choices that will be sent to the online payment provider’s transaction log. From the age of 16, the user has the right to decide whether they can deny their parent’s access to the description of the meal choices they have made at a point of sale. To enable this simply click the Hide meal choice (internet payments) box and Save the changes.

Last modified: 9 January 2025


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