The table below details the reports that are currently available in Impact Fusion.

Name Category Type Description
Allowance usage (Detailed) Allowances Standard Provides a detailed list of all allowance allocations, spends, refunds, and deallocations.
Allowance usage (Summary) Allowances Standard Provides a list of users that have spent any of their allowance, including the number of days that the allowance was used and the total allowance spend.
Balance by range Lists Standard Provides a list of users where their balance is between the specified minimum and maximum range and they last used the system between the specified number of calendar days.
Balance by range (Letter) Letters Snap Generates letters to be sent to parents notifying them of their child’s low balance. Adjust the text to suit your needs/payment methods available.
Coin usage Lists Standard Provides a breakdown of top ups by coin and note value. Useful to reconcile the physical cash input into the revaluation units.
Collect QR Code Receipts Standard Provides a temporary QR code for collecting pre-orders or authenticating at the Point of Sale when the user does not have access to their Fusion Online app. Fold along the dashed line to make the code easier to use.
Daily summary (Classic) Sales Standard Fusion’s answer to the classic daily summary report used within Impact. Provides a summary overview of all trading performed during the selected dates.
Daily summary (Schools overview) Central Standard Provides a summary of all sales for each date within the selected reporting range, grouped by School and User type.
Dashboard Dashboard Smart An interactive dashboard which provides a live look-in (auto-updates every 30 minutes) on today’s transactions. Dashboard is single school only.
Discounts usage Sales Standard Provides a list of created discounts and their usage between the selected reporting range.
FSM usage vs eligibility Lists Standard Provides a list of all users and their eligibility for free school meals between the selected date range, along with the number of days that the user used any part of their allowance.
Fusion Online Onboarding Letter Letters Snap Generates a letter with the details required for users to onboard with Fusion Online pre-ordering.
GDPR report GDPR Standard Provides a full audit of all information held on a user account within the Fusion cashless catering system.
Income by month Income Standard Groups all income by year, month, and payment type.
Income summary Dashboard Smart Provides an interactive look at all income between the selected dates.
Login information Lists Standard Grouped by security role and the user’s main school, this report provides a list of all system logins, password change information, and details of their last login.
Login permissions Lists Standard Provides a list of Fusion security roles with the permissions and user logins assigned to them.
Logins by location Lists Standard Provides a list of all successful logins during the selected date range. The school filter is the school where the logged in device resides, not the main school of the login.
Low balances Letters Snap Generates letters to be sent to parents notifying them of their child’s low balance. Adjust the text to suit your needs/payment methods available.
Opening/Closing balance by date range Lists Standard Lists all users and their balance at the start and end of the reporting range.
PLU sales Sales Standard Detailed list of all PLU’s sold and refunded during the selected date range.
PLU sales (Smart) Sales Smart An interactive version of the PLU sales report, displaying all PLUs sold/refunded during the selected date range.
Pre-order conflicts Pre-order Standard Displays any users who have pre-ordered an item via the Smart board that conflicts with am allergy or restriction that has been applied to their account.
Pre-order distribution by collection point Pre-order Standard Provides a list of all pre-orders grouped by collection point and meal period. Cancelled and refunded pre-orders are not displayed.
Pre-order distribution by year/class Pre-order Standard Provides a list of all pre-orders grouped by year/class and meal period. Cancelled and refunded pre-orders are not displayed.
Pre-order preparation Pre-order Standard Provides a list of all items that need to be prepared to fulfil pre-orders.
Product allergens Lists Standard Provides a list of all products and their allergen information.
Product sales list Lists Standard A list of users that have purchased the selected product(s) between the two selected dates.
Purse balances Allowances Standard Provides a list of users and their balance for each purse.
Revaluation list Lists Standard Provides a list of all top ups made onto user accounts.
Revaluation summary Income Standard Summarises the bankable/non-bankable cash taken via the system between cash-up periods.
Roaming reconciliation (Detailed) Income Standard Provides a list of all incoming and outgoing roaming transactions to allow for a granular understanding of how the roaming figures are calculated.
Roaming reconciliation (Summary) Income Standard For use when roaming is being used between two or more schools. This report allows roaming schools to reconcile monies between themselves for roaming transactions.
Sales by Time-frame Sales Standard Grouped into 30 minute intervals, provides sales figures by time frame. Report uses the time that the transaction was for, so in the case of pre-orders, this report shows the time that the order is available to be collected, not the time the order was made.
Sales summary Sales Standard Provides a simple summary of all sales values by the location that they occurred.
Sales summary by class Sales Standard Provides a summary of all transactions through the system broken down by class.
Sales summary by Product Group Sales Standard
Sales summary by Super Group Sales Standard
Sales summary by type Sales Standard Provides a summary of all transactions through the system broken down by transaction type.
Supervisor allowance list Lists Standard A list of users that are set as eligible to receive a supervisor allowance and the days that they will be allocated it.
Till action log Audit Standard Provides details on all actions taken on the Point of Sale.
Transactions by location Lists Standard Provides a list of transactions at the location they occurred. Export report in excel (raw data format) for additional data not on printed report.
Transactions summary by date Dashboard Smart An interactive overview of all system transactions.
Unmatched users Lists Standard Lists all Fusion user accounts that are not matched to a online payment provider account.
User allergens (by allergen) Lists Standard Grouped by allergen, this report provides a list of users that have had allergies applied to their accounts.
User allergens (by user) Lists Standard Provides a list of users that have had allergies applied to their accounts.
User messages Lists Standard Provides a list of all users that have a permanent message, temporary message, dietary preferences, or notes on their user account.
User points Lists Standard Retrieves a list of users and their points accrued during the range, as well as thier current total point value. Sorted by total points descending.
Users list Lists Standard A comprehensive list of all users in the system, their authentication options, and their current balance.
Users list with purse summary Lists Smart A interactive report showing the users in the system and a summary of their purse balance.
Users with no spend Lists Standard Provides a list of users that have not made any transactions between the specified date range. Useful for identifying students that are not using allowances that they are entitled to.
Variance report Receipts Standard If using cash variance functionality, this report provdes details as to if and where any variance between the enterered and calculated values occurred.
Vending sales by product Vending Standard Lists all vending products sold between the selected date range.
Vending sales by value Vending Standard Grouped by item value rather than product name, lists all vending products sold between the selected date range. This report is useful when the vending machine is stocked with products not always in the same locations.
Vending sales details Vending Standard Grouped by location, provides a list of all vending transactions between the selected date range.
Last modified: 9 January 2025


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