This section contains settings for the behaviour of the pre-order kiosk application.

Section Setting Description
Allow pre-order for next available date When enabled, users can order for the current day and a day ahead.
Minimum user credit Users wishing to use the kiosk must have at least this amount on their account.
Idle timeout The amount of time (in seconds) that the kiosk will keep an account open before automatically closing the account after inactivity.
Maximum PIN attempts The kiosk will temporarily lock after this many failed PIN attempts. This is designed to try and prevent users from guessing users’ PIN numbers as the kiosk is typically in an unattended location.
Maximum receipt reprints The number of times a user can reprint a receipt for a placed order. For example, setting this to ‘1’ means that they can reprint a receipt once (so in theory can have two copies as one gets printed at the time of order). Reprinted receipts have ‘Duplicate copy’ at the header.
Home page text This is the text that scrolls accross the top of the home screen.
Basic Home page image This image will be used in the top-right of the kiosk screen instead of the CRB Cunninghams logo.
Opening times The kiosk can only be used to place orders within the following times. Multiple times can be created (e.g. 06:00 – 08:45, 11:00 – 11:20, 14:00 – 18:00).
Collection points Collection points Which collection points can users using this kiosk choose to collect their order from. Additional collection points are created within the Fusion Back Office application under ‘System settings’ > ‘Collection points’.
Last modified: 9 January 2025


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