A Payment type is used to represent a transaction and defines the type of payment that was made. This is important as it allows for report figures to reflect the correct methods of payment.
The Payment types tile is located within the system settings tile.
In the Payment types tile you can add and amend existing payment types. The Grid columns display Payment Type Name, Represents and Allow manual payments.
Adding a new Payment type
- Press the New button.
- Enter a Payment type and select from the drop-down which payment type it represents.
- Tick the Allow manual payments box if you want to allow this to be an option when adding value to a purse.
- Press Save.
Editing a Payment type
- Select a payment type from the list.
- Under the Payment type details section you can edit the payment type name and select a different representation from the drop-down. You can also tick or untick the option to Allow manual payments.
- Press Save to confirm any changes. Press Delete to remove the payment type entirely. Press Cancel to undo any changes made.
Last modified:
9 January 2025
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