While the Impact Fusion Point of Sale is not in use, it is recommended that you log off. This will prevent any unauthorised people using the software but also allow another member of staff to log in using their credentials.

Logging off

To log off the till;

  1. From the ‘Waiting for a customer’ screen, press the Logout button.
  2. Press Yes to confirm. You will be logged out of the software and the login window will be displayed.

Shutting down

At the end of the day, you will probably want to power the till off. To do this;

  1. From the ‘Waiting for a customer’ screen, press the Quit button.
  2. Press Yes to confirm.
  3. Press the Shutdown button from the bottom of the screen. The Point of Sale will close and the till will shut down.
Last modified: 9 January 2025


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