The PDQ Cashback feature will enable you to perform cashback during a PDQ/Card transaction.

How to perform PDQ Cashback

  1. Press Start transaction from the ‘Waiting for a customer’ prompt.
  2. Start selecting items and then press the Finish transaction button.
  3. Enter the amount tendered or select a tender option then press the Card option.
  4. You will be displayed with an option to enter an amount for cashback. Enter an amount and press OK.
  5. You will be displayed with a payment confirmation prompt, in the example shown below, the transaction amount due was £1.20 and the cashback amount of £2.00. Make sure the PDQ payment was complete and successful and press Yes to confirm.
  6. You will then have a prompt of how much Change Due is to be given. Press Close to end the transaction.
Last modified: 9 January 2025


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