How to set a pre-order as Collected

  1. Select an order from the grid. The record will be highlighted in blue.
  2. Select the Collected button.
  3. The Collected and Marked collected by fields against the order will be populated accordingly.

How to set a pre-order as Uncollected

  1. Select an order from the grid. The record will be highlighted in blue.
  1. Select the Uncollect button.
  2. Click Yes to confirm to mark the order as uncollected.
  3. The Collected and Marked collected by fields will return to blank entries.

How to perform a refund on a pre-order

  1. Select an order from the grid. The record will be highlighted in blue.
  2. Click the Refund button.
  3. Click Yes to confirm the refund.

How to refund a single item from a pre-order

  1. Select an order from the grid. The record will be highlighted in blue.
  2. Click the expand button on a pre-order.
  3. Select an item from the list, click Refund.

Viewing the pre-order details

  1. Select an order from the grid. The record will be highlighted in blue.
  2. Click the expand button on a pre-order.
  3. You will now see a breakdown of the items purchased.

Details List

Field Description
PLU No. The products database ID number.
PLU The name description of the product.
Group The product group that the product is associated with.
Quantity The number of times this product was purchased by the customer in the pre-order.
Price Level The price band in which the product was sold.
Total Paid The total amount spent on the pre-order.
Free The total amount of Free allowance spent on the pre-order.
VAT The total VAT calculated on the product.
Disc. The total amount of discount deducted from the pre-order.
Points The total amount of points accumulated by the sold product from the pre-order.
Refunded The refunded status of the product.

Field Description
Purse The name of the purse used for the product sold associated with the pre-order.
Opening Balance The opening balance of the customer’s account before the product was sold to the customer.
Amount The value of the transaction(s) that have occurred.
Closing Balance The closing balance of the customer’s account after the product was sold to the customer.



  1. Select a date range or custom filter to view pre-orders.
  2. Click the Kitchen button.
  3. This will start to print all pre-order receipts via the receipt printer for the allocated date range or filter set.


  1. Select a date range or custom filter to view pre-orders.
  2. Select an order from the grid. The record will be highlighted in blue.
  3. Click the Duplicate button.
  4. This will print an individual duplicate receipt for the order selected.
Last modified: 9 January 2025


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