After logging in successfully to Fusion, you will periodically be presented with a pop-up which alerts you to the fact that your system has been upgraded since your last successful login. This pop-up will provide you with a summary of the changes made for each incremental release.

How do I see more information?

If you would like to see more information about that release, you can click on the version number (or anywhere on that row) and that will open this user manual at the What’s new? section for that version. For example, clicking on the v23.1 release summary, will open the v23.1 manual version at the What’s new? page, so that you can read more detail about that release.

Will this information appear each time I log in?

The dialog will always be presented each time you log in if you have any unread release notes. When you have clicked the version link to read more detail about that version, that release note will be automatically marked as ‘Read’. If you don’t wish to view the full details of the release, you can simply check the Read checkbox for that release. If you have multiple unread release notes, you can choose to press the Mark all as read checkbox. Now that you’ve set these as read, after you have closed this pop-up, you will no longer be presented with any release notes when you log in, until the next time your system is upgraded and you have unread release notes for that version(s).

If I mark the release notes as read, will other users see them?

Yes. The release notes will be presented to every user that can log into the back office. Marking the release notes as read will only mark those release notes as read for your user, when another user logs into the back office, they will still see all the release notes that they have not yet read.

I previously marked the release notes as read, but now I want to access them again

All past release notes can be accessed by pressing the new Release notes button from your home screen dashboard. This will show all release notes, regardless of if they have been marked as read or not. Additionally, it will show you the date that your system was upgraded to that version and the date that you read the release notes.

Last modified: 9 January 2025


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