Fusion’s answer to the classic daily summary report used within Impact. Provides a summary overview of all trading performed during the selected dates. This report is split into multiple sections and although it allows reporting over a wide date range, it is typically used at the end of each service day to provide an overview of the day’s trading.


  • Date range
    • Timeframe: Choose from a selection of defined date ranges such as ‘Last week’, ‘Previous year’, and ‘Yesterday’. Defaults to ‘Today’.
    • Start: Adjust the start date for the report (inclusive), this adjusted the timeframe to ‘Custom’.
    • Finish: Adjust the end date for the report (inclusive), this adjusted the timeframe to ‘Custom’.
  • Location
    • School: Allows you to select the school to generate the data for (defaults to the currently selected school).
    • Aggregate report: Used in conjunction with the school filter, when selecting more than one school, when ‘Aggregate report’ is enabled (default) all the data is aggregated and displayed on a single report. When the checkbox is unchecked, the system will generate a report for each selected school.

Transaction and balance reconciliation

This section provides an overview of how user balances at this school have changed during the selected reporting range. Starting with the combined user balances at the start of the date range, then adding the values on the left of the table, followed by subtracting the values on the right resulting in the combined user balances at the end of the range.

Value Description
Cashless balance at start The combined value of all user account cashless balances at the start of this reporting range.
Allowance balance at start The combined value of all user account allowance balances at the start of this reporting range. If the school does not use carry-over or Ad hoc allowances, this value will be £0.00.
Add manual revaluations The total amount of user-performed top-ups performed via the revaluation unit(s).
Add internet payments The total amount of internet payments downloaded and applied to user accounts. Note: Payments downloaded but not yet applied (due to mismatched accounts) will not be included.
Add cash revaluations The total amount of top-ups performed via the back office or at the Point of Sale, where the payment type is cash. This value is used in the ‘Available for banking’ figure.
Add card revaluations The total amount of top-ups performed at the Point of Sale made using a debit/credit card.
Add other This figure is a combined value of any ‘Adjustments’, ‘Balance transfers’, and ‘Opening balances/End of year balances’ transactions.
Add FSM allowances The value of Free School Meal allowances added to accounts.
Add supervisor allowances The value of supervisory allowances added to accounts.
Add breakfast allowances The value of any breakfast allowances added to accounts.
Add ad hoc allowances The value of any ad hoc allowances added to accounts.
Add carry-over allowances Any unused allowances that have been carried over.
Less EPOS cashless sales (Includes pre-orders of) The total value of any EPOS cashless sales. This figure includes pre-orders. The total value of pre-orders is displayed as it’s own figure below.
Less vending sales The total value of any vending machine sales.
Less new card sales The total value of any users who have been charged for a new card.
Unused FSM allowances Any unused Free School Meal allowances removed from accounts.
Unused UFSM allowances Any unused UFSM allowances removed from accounts.
Unused supervisor allowances Any unused supervisory allowances removed from accounts.
Unused breakfast allowances Any unused breakfast allowances removed from accounts.
Removed ad hoc allowances Any ad hoc allowances removed from accounts.
Removed carry-over allowances Any carry-over allowances removed from accounts.
Allowance balance at end The combined amount of users allowance balances at the end of this reporting range. If the school does not use carry-over or Ad hoc allowances, this value will be £0.00.
Theoretical cashless balance Using the cashless balance at the start of the reporting range and calculating the ending balance using the figures above.
Actual cashless balance at end The actual combined amount of users cashless balances at the end of this reporting range. This should match the theoretical figure above.

Sales adjustments

Fusion records two timestamps against each transaction. One of these timestamps is the date and time that the transaction is intended for, and the other is the date and time that the transaction was processed by the system. Typically, these timestamps will be the same, for example when purchasing products at the Point of Sale, the time that the transaction is for, and the time that the transaction is processed is the same time, however, there are scenarios where these dates will differ. For example, the most common scenario would be where users make a pre-order for a future date. Therefore the date that the transaction was processed by the system and the date that the pre-order is for will differ. This adjustments section of the report allows schools to reconcile the figures present in the ‘Transaction and balance reconciliation’ and ‘Banking’ sections of the report to the ‘Sales breakdown’ section of the report.

Value Description
All sales The total value of sales processed by the system within the selected reporting range. This can be calculated by summing up the ‘Less EPOS cashless sales’, ‘Less vending sales’, ‘Less new card sales’, ‘EPOS cash sales’, and ‘EPOS debit/credit card sales’ figures.
Future pre-orders Negative figure showing the value of pre-orders made within the selected date range, but are intended for a future date.
Previous pre-orders Positive figure showing the value of pre-orders made prior to the selected date range, but are intended for this date range.
Cancelled pre-orders Pre-orders that have been cancelled during the selected date range.
Received cancellations Pre-orders made for this date range that have since been cancelled.
Received offline sales Sales performed while the Point of Sale was in offline mode on a past date, however, were not synchronised and processed by the server until this date.
Received offline refunds .
Previous offline sales Sales performed while the Point of Sale was in offline mode on this date, however, were not synchronised and processed by the server until a future date.
Previous offline refunds .
Received refunds Refunds for transactions that were initially recorded on this date, however, were refunded on a future date.
Previous refunds Refunds that occurred on this date for transactions that initially occurred on a past date.
Roaming sales The net value of roaming sales. A negative value means that the value of outgoing roamer sales is greater than the value of incoming roamer sale, whereas a positive value is the opposite. Please see the ‘Roaming reconciliation (Summary)’ and/or the ‘Roaming reconciliation (Detailed)’ report(s) for more details.
Adjusted sales The total value of sales that are for the selected reporting range. This figure will match the total sales displayed in the ‘Sales breakdown’ section of this report.


This section is intended to assist those schools handling any cash and/or allowing for debit/credit card sales via the Point of Sale, to reconcile the cash taken during this date range vs the cash that they have.

Value Description
User cash top-ups This is a calculated figure to display the total value of cash top-ups for users that are enrolled at this school and that topped up their account while at the school. It is calculated by adding together the ‘Add manual revaluations’ and ‘Add cash revaluations’ values minus any top-ups made by users from this school to other schools. The totals of any outgoing roamer top-ups can be viewed on the Roaming reconciliation summary and detailed reports.
Roamers (In) cash top-ups When roaming is used, this will display any cash top-ups made by roaming users visiting this school.
EPOS cashback Any cashback provided to users when they paid using debit/credit card.
EPOS cash sales Total value of cash sales at the Point of Sale. Note: Any users first opening their account and paying any shortfall using cash counts as a cash top-up and is therefore included in the ‘Add cash revaluations’ figure within the ‘Transaction and balance reconciliation’ section, not this one.
EPOS debit/credit card sales Total value of sales made by debit/credit card at the Point of Sale. Note: Any users first opening their account and paying any shortfall using their debit/credit card counts as a top-up and is therefore included in the ‘Add card revaluations’ figure within the ‘Transaction and balance reconciliation’ section, not this one.
Available for banking This is a calculated figure that displays the amount of physical cash that you should have for this reporting range. This is calculated as: (‘User cash top-ups’ + ‘Roamers (In) cash top-ups’ + ‘EPOS cash sales’) – ‘EPOS cashback’. Note: As this figure is to reconcile cash, the ‘EPOS debit/credit card sales’ value is not included in this calculation.

Carry-over allowance balances

When enabled, allowance carry-over allows all or part of an unspent allowance to be rolled forward to be spent on future days. This section provides details as to how the carry-over allowances have changed during the selected date range.

Sales breakdown

Finally, split by user type, this section provides a breakdown of all sales for this school and the selected date range. As this section of the report is interested in the value of recognised sales for this date range, regardless of when the transaction was processed, it uses the date that the transaction was for. For example, a pre-order made yesterday but for today, would not be shown in the ‘Transaction and balance reconciliation’ section but it will show in the sales breakdown.

Each user type that is active and has users in this school assigned to it will be listed, along with a separate ‘No user (Cash & debit/credit card)’ section which will display any transactions where no user account was used, therefore the transaction was completed using cash or a debit/credit card payment (including Apple/Google Pay if used). If there are any sales made by incoming roaming users, these will also be present within this grid under a ‘Roamers (In)’ section. Lastly, a Totals section will provide a sum of all sales.

Field Description
Allowance sales This section provides an overview of the allowances spent by users. For more details, view the Allowance usage reports.
Details The allowance type used.
Count The number of users from this user type that have used this allowance. A single user using the allowance across multiple transactions will only be counted once.
Total The total spend value of this allowance type from users of this user type.
Cash and cashless sales This section provides detail on cash and cashless spending, broken down by meal period.
Transactions The total number of transactions made during this period. A single user using the system twice would be counted as 2.
Users The number of unique users that made a transaction during this period. A single user using the system twice would be counted as 1.
Sales The total value of sales made by these users during this period.
VAT If applicable, any VAT calculated on these transactions. Note: The system will calculate VAT depending on the user purchasing the item and/or whether that item is VAT eligible or not. Additionally, depending on the price rules in place, if any allowance sales are VAT eligible, this value will be added here. Therefore, you may not be able to simply calculate the VAT from the sales figure. Assuming that all sales were VATable at a rate of 20%, the formula to calculate VAT from the sales value is: Sales-(Sales/1.2)
Last modified: 9 January 2025


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