Provides a list of all incoming and outgoing roaming transactions to allow for a granular understanding of how the roaming figures are calculated. It displays a summary at the top with a breakdown of incoming and outgoing transactions grouped by each of the schools where roaming is enabled to or from this school.


  • Date range
    • Timeframe: Choose from a selection of defined date ranges such as ‘Last week’, ‘Previous year’, ‘Yesterday’. Defaults to ‘Today’.
    • Start: Adjust the start date for the report (inclusive)
    • Finish: Adjust the end date for the report (inclusive).


Provides a summary of all roaming transactions processed by the system during this date range.

Field Description
Sales Total value of sales (Point of Sale, pre-orders, vending) made while users were roaming.
Top-ups Total value of top-ups performed on user accounts while roaming.
Total The sum of roaming sales and roaming top-ups.


Grouped by roaming schools, this section will provide details of each transaction between the selected date range made by users while they were roaming into or out of this school. The headline details of the transaction are presented in black text, whereas the transaction type (and any items purchased) are listed below in grey italicised text.

Field Description
Transaction applied The date and time that the transaction was processed by the system and the balance deducted from the user’s account.
Transaction for The date and time that the transaction was for.
Transaction # The unique transaction number. This can be entered into the filter on the transaction screen to see further information about this transaction.
Person ID The person ID of the user account that the transaction is for.
Name (Year/Class) The name of the user account (with their Year/Class details in the brackets) that the transaction is for.
Method How the user account was located and opened, e.g. fingerprint, card. This is displayed as an icon for each identification method. Note: There is a key at the bottom of the report to help you understand what each icon means.
Free The portion of the transaction where a user’s allowance was used.
Paid The portion of the transaction where a user’s cashless balance was used.
Total The total value of the transaction.
Last modified: 9 January 2025


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