Once a role has been created, you will need to assign/unassign any permissions that you want it to have. Any logins that are assigned this role, will then be able to perform these actions. For example, if you want to allow PoS operators to be able to perform refunds, you will assign the Operators role the ‘Refunds (PoS)’ permission and then any logins that are in the Operators role will now be able to perform refunds.
To update permissions for a role;
- Select the required role from the list
- On the right side of the screen, under the permissions heading, select or deselect the required permissions.
Permission | Description |
Access all schools | (Administrator role only) Has access to all schools if the system is configured for multiple schools which can be accessed via the menu bar at the top of the Back Office software. |
Add partners | (Administrator role only) Can add new partners in the API and manage API permissions. |
Add users | Can add new users directly into Impact Fusion in the Users tile. (These accounts will not link to iDStore). |
Add value | Can add value directly to users’ accounts in the Users tile. |
Allocate supervisor allowance (PoS) | Can allocate a supervisor allowance during a transaction on the PoS. |
Allow export of data in response to GDPR | Can manage GDPR button on user accounts. Can view, print, download and export. |
Allow overspend (PoS) | Can authorise overspends at the Point of Sale to allow users to enter a deficit and allow a sale. |
Allow user notifications | Will be sent system notifications (if applicable). |
Assign locations | Can assign locations to new devices. |
Back office | Can log into the Impact Back Office application. |
Capture facial recognition templates | Can capture facial recognitions from locations that have the function active. |
Configure internet payments | (Administrator role only) Can add a new Internet Payment provider and make changes to the configuration of the Internet Payment provider. |
Configure password policy | (Administrator role only) Can configure password policies for login accounts. |
Configure scheduled emails | Can configure the scheduling of emailed reports. |
Edit layouts | Can edit the layout designs that are utilised on the Point of Sale, Pre-Order kiosks & Smart Boards. |
Edit locations | Can make changes to the configuration of system locations (i.e. PoS, Reval, Back office, etc). |
Edit logins | Can create and edit system logins for Back Office, PoS and Smart board. |
Edit products | Can make changes to PLUs and pricing. (Known Issue: Cash Up tile will only appear on the home screen if this permission is selected. Will be fixed in a later version to be released.) |
Edit reports | Can clone, edit and create reports. (Requires report editing to be enabled by CRBC) |
Edit roles | (Administrator role only) Can create and edit security roles to assign them to Fusion logins. |
Edit schools | (Administrator role only) Can make changes to school settings. |
Edit settings | Can access the system settings screen in the Impact Back Office application. |
Edit user type settings | Can edit the user type settings within the settings. |
Edit users | Can make changes to users within Users tile. |
Issue card | Can issue cards to users. |
Manage internet payments | Can access the Internet Payments tile. |
Manage school calendar | Allows for the user to manage the school calendar. |
Perform cash declaration | Can perform a cash declaration in the Cash up tile. Will have insufficient permission otherwise. Cash Variance needs to be enabled in the school configuration. |
Perform cash up | Can perform a cash up in the Cash up tile. |
Point of Sale | Can log into the Point of Sale application. |
Point of Sale Voice | Can log into the Voice Point of Sale application. |
Pre-order kiosk operator | Can log into the Fusion Pre-order Kiosk, view the configuration and manage software exit settings. |
Print Activity | Can print out users’ Activity report. |
Print PIN | Can print out users’ PIN numbers. |
Print QR | Can print out a users’ QR code. |
Print Receipt | Can print out a receipt after adding a value to a user’s account. |
Refunds (PoS) | Can authorise refunds at the Point of Sale. |
Reval manager | Can log into the Reval Client application. Only applicable for the Reval setup and will not be used for any other purpose. |
Smartboard operator | Can log into the Impact Smartboard application and operate the application. |
SQL to FTP | (Administrator role only) Can adjust the SQL to FTP settings in the ‘Upload settings’ tile in Settings. |
View activity | Can view users’ activity in the Impact Back Office. |
View locations | Can view the configuration of system locations. |
View logins | Can view system logins within the system settings. |
View reports | Can generate and view reports. Also allows PoS operator to perform a Cash Declaration in the Functions option. |
View revaluers | Can view the revaluation units screen. |
View roles | Can view the security roles screen within the system settings. |
View schools | Can view the school’s screen within the system settings. |
View settings | Can view the school’s settings. |
View transactions | Can view user transactions. |
View users | Can view the Users screen in Impact Back Office. |
Last modified:
9 January 2025
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