The table below details the reports that are currently available in Impact Fusion.
Name | Category | Type | Description |
All schools income by month | Income | Standard | Provides a breakdown by month for all schools’ income. |
All schools sales by group | Sales | Standard | Provides a detailed breakdown of the sales of each PLU and their respective groups for each school. |
Allowance Usage (Detailed) | Allowances | Standard | Provides a detailed breakdown of all free allowance usage. |
Allowance Usage (Summary) | Allowances | Standard | Provides a summary of all free allowance usage. |
Balance by Range | Lists | Standard | Allows for sending letters to parents/users where their balance is between a defined range. |
Coin usage | Lists | Standard | Provides a breakdown of all physical cash taken through the system for a particular date or date range. |
Daily summary report | Sales | Standard | A summary report of all system transactions for a particular date or date range. |
Dashboard | Dashboard | Smart | Provides a number of graphs and tables detailing the daily activity within the system. Income, Sales, Daily Income Summary, Student FSM Uptake, Student Sales by Location and Staff Sales by Location are all displayed in this report. |
Fusion Online Onboarding Letter | Letters | Snap | Provides the template letter for Onboarding on the Fusion Online app. Select a year/class. |
GDPR Report | GDPR | Standard | Reports all information that the system holds on a specified user. |
Income summary | Sales | Smart | A summarisation of the income received through the system including where the income was generated and the type of income. |
Low balances | Letters | Snap | Allows for sending letters to parents/users where their balance is below a defined amount. |
Opening/Closing balance by date range | Lists | Standard | Displays users’ initial and final balances for a chosen date range. |
PLU sales | Sales | Standard | Provides a breakdown of all product sales. |
PLU sales (Smart) | Sales | Smart | Provides an interactive breakdown of all product sales including the best and worst selling products. |
Pre-order Colours Distribution | Pre-order | Standard | Provides a report for pre-orders and itemises each PLU within the order. |
Pre-order Conflicts | Pre-order | Standard | Provides a report of any pre-orders that are conflicting. |
Pre-order Distribution | Pre-order | Standard | Provides a report for pre-orders and itemises each PLU within the order. |
Pre-order Preparation | Pre-order | Standard | Provides detail on which items need to be prepared to meet the orders that have been placed. |
Revaluation list | Lists | Standard | Provides a report of all users who have added money onto their account. |
Revaluation list – Order by Class | Lists | Standard | Provides a report of all users who have added money onto their account, ordered by year / class. |
Revaluation Summary | Receipts | Standard | Duplicate of Coin Usage report, will be removed in future release. |
Revaluation summary by cash up | Lists | Standard | Provides a breakdown of all physical cash taken through the system by cash up procedures. |
Sales summary | Sales | Standard | Provides a summary of all transactions through the system. |
Sales summary (Multi-School) | Central Management | Standard | Provides a summary of all transactions through the system for Central Management using Multi-Schools. |
Sales summary by class | Sales | Standard | Provides a summary of all transactions through the system broken down by class. |
Sales summary by type | Sales | Standard | Provides a summary of all transactions through the system broken down by transaction type. |
Transactions summary by date | Sales | Smart | Provides a breakdown of system transactions over time. |
User history | Lists | Standard | Lists the topup and purchase history of a specific user for the selected time period. |
Users list | Lists | Standard | A simple list of users in the system. |
Users list with purse summary | Lists | Smart | A list of users in the system with a summarisation of purses and user types. |
User permissions | Lists | Standard | Displays all the security roles and which permissions and users are assigned to them. |
Last modified:
16 March 2021
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