Funds > Limited Availability Fund > Limited Availability Details

In this section you can manage the dates, times, and availability/prices for a Limited Availability fund. An example of a use for this fund type would be to sell tickets for a Talent Contest or a Christmas Carole Concert.

Setting Dates

  1. Click the Dates button.
  2. Click Add Row.
  3. Enter a selected date and how many occurrences for that date. Click Save to add the row. You can add more dates if needs be.

Setting Times

  1. Click the Times button.
  2. Select a Start and Finish time for the selected date. Click

Setting Availability and Prices

  1. Click the Availability/Prices button.
  2. Click the Add Availability/Price button.
  3. Select a Price Band from the dropdown option, You can select either Standard or Concession. Enter the Cost price of the fund, and enter a Quantity of how many can be purchased. Click Save.

You will be able to keep track of how many have been purchased and how many are still remaining for each date.

Last modified: 2 December 2021


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