When using Meal Preorders, all meals are charged at a flat price based on the type of the user account.

There are six possible user types:

  • Pupil
  • Pupil – FSM
  • Pupil – UFSM
  • Adult
  • Adult – Supervisor
  • Pupil – Nursery

In iPayimpact, you can change the price of the meals. These price changes can be made in advance and they will activate on the specified date.

To set a new meal price;

  1. Select the fund from the list.
  2. Press the Meal Prices button.
  3. Click the Add Meal Price button
  4. Choose the Meal Price Type from the drop-down list.
  5. Set a date that the new price will come into effect.
  6. In the ‘Cost’ field, enter the new meal price.
  7. Press Save to confirm. The new price will become the ‘Current Price’ (if the date was the current date) or will show under the ‘Future Price’ section if set to a future date.
  8. Repeat the above process as required.
Last modified: 16 September 2021


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