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Related topics are listed below.

Automatic payments

School Level » Funds » Managing funds » General fund management » Automatic payments

The Automatic Payments section displays all automatic payments that have been created by parents/guardians. To view the automatic payments that the parents have set up: Select the fund from the list. Press the Auto Payments button.

Add Manual Payments

School Level » Funds » Managing funds » General fund management » Add Manual Payments

Some parents/guardians will be unable to make payments directly using the iPayimpact system. For these people the school can enter payments on to the system manually if required. Making manual payments Select the fund from the list. Press the Add Manual Payments…

Managing Club/Society funds

School Level » Funds » Managing funds » Managing Club/Society funds

Funds > Club / Society Fund Options available: Edit Description Notifications Payments & Permissions Reports Fund Management Docs Auto Payments Cancel / Deactivate Return to Fund…

Managing funds

School Level » Funds » Managing funds

After funds have been created, you will often want/need to perform some management actions on them. These actions may include editing existing fund information, changing or adding to the description, sending notification emails to alert parents to a particular…

Managing Trip funds

School Level » Funds » Managing funds » Managing Trip funds

Funds > Trip Fund Options available: Edit Description Notifications Payments & Permissions Accounts Reports Fund Management Helpers Docs Auto Payments Cancel /…

Fund reports

School Level » Funds » Managing funds » General fund management » Fund reports

All funds have reports that can be generated. The reports that are available vary depending on the fund. Select the fund from the list. Press the Reports button. To generate a report, simply click on the report name from the list. The available reports are listed…

Managing Milk funds

School Level » Funds » Managing funds » Managing Milk funds

Funds > Milk Options available: Edit Add Manual Payments Add Manual Adjustments Reports Fund Management Auto Payments Cancel / Deactivate Return to Fund List

Preorder School Meals

School Level » Funds » Managing funds » Managing School Meals » Preorder School Meals

Funds > Preorder School Meals Options available: Edit Reminder Emails Add Manual Payments Reports Group Refund Menu Substitutions UFSM Eligibility Supervisor Cut Off Time Meal…

School Meals (Impact Linked)

School Level » Funds » Managing funds » Managing School Meals » School Meals (Impact Linked)

Funds > School Meals Options available: Edit Reminder Emails Reports Fund Management Auto Payments

Managing Charity/Donation funds

School Level » Funds » Managing funds » Managing Charity/Donation funds

Funds > Charity/Donation Fund Options available: Edit Add Manual Payments Reports Fund Management Cancel / Deactivate Return to Fund List

Managing Limited Availability fund

School Level » Funds » Managing funds » Managing Limited Availability fund

Funds > Limited Availability Fund Options available: Edit Description Add Manual Payments Limited Availability Details Reports Fund Management Cancel / Deactivate Return to Fund…

Meal Preorders

School Level » Meal Preorders

Most often, primary schools will use online pre-ordering for their school meals. This method allows the kitchen to only prepare the required number of meals and iPay handles the meal payments. !The Meal Preorders section will only be available if the Preorder School…


School Level » Funds

The Funds section of iPayimpact allows for the creation and management of the different school funds such as School Meals, School Shop, and trips. There are currently eight available fund types in iPayimpact. Each of these is described in the table…

Add a new fund – Trip

School Level » Funds » Add a new fund » Add a new fund – Trip

The Trip fund allows for the school to configure trips that the parent can make payments towards. It also allows for the recording of parental authorisation slips. The table below details the information that is required for a new trip fund to be created. *Field…