In this section you can manage the products that can be sold through the school shop fund.

Adding a New Category

  1. To add a new category (i.e. School Uniform) click the Add New Category button.
  2. Enter the Category Name and click Save Category.
  3. This will add a category to the product list.

Adding a Product to a Category

  1. To add a new product to a category, click the Add Product.
  2. Enter the Product Name, the Quantity amount that is available for sale, an optional Description for the product, choose an optional Image to display, enter a Cost (Each) price for the product, select whether the product Is Active?, and select a VAT Code and an optional Ledger Code.
  3. Click Save Product and then click Save Option.

Creating Product Options

  1. You can add this option during the creation of a product or you can Amend an existing product.
  2. Click the Create a Product Option button.
  3. Enter a Description for the product option (i.e. Small Shirt), enter a Cost (Each) price for the product option, and enter a Quantity.
  4. This will add the option to the product. You can Update or Create New Option if needed.

Last modified: 16 September 2021


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